The documentary “High & Low: John Galliano” by Kevin Macdonald offers an intriguing look into the life of the controversial British fashion icon, known for his innovative work at Givenchy and Dior. While the film provides a compelling chronicle of Galliano’s rise in the fashion world, it doesn’t shy away from addressing the pivotal moment in February 2011 when the designer made racist and anti-Semitic remarks, leading to his dismissal and legal consequences.
The documentary features fashion luminaries like Anna Wintour and André Leon Talley, exploring Galliano’s groundbreaking years at St Martin’s College and his ascent in Paris fashion. Despite the insightful narrative, “High & Low” doesn’t fully delve into the aftermath of Galliano’s controversial remarks, leaving questions unanswered about the industry’s prioritization of aesthetics over ethics.
Photo Credit: Mubi / Photography by Nicholas Matthews